In search of...

To read, or to listen a book, that is the question.

I remember calling my mother at work every time I didn’t know what to play. This was in the ’90s—there was no internet, and keep in mind that she was a busy doctor. Picture this: a 10-year-old calling her mother to say, ‘Mom, I’m bored.’ Her answer was always, ‘Read a book,’ before hanging up. Sometimes I listened to her, and other days I figured out what to do on my own. In the end, I am very thankful to have always had access to books.

Books have always been a part of my life. My parents always encouraged me to read as much as I could, and I was greatly influenced by the Spanish program at my school. It was very demanding and made us read the classics. It helped me understand life, movies, and allowed me to have conversations with people all around the world, feeling the connection that only books can provide. The Dominican literature, which is fascinating, also captivated me. I developed a romantic love for the Colonial Zone of my country thanks to César Nicolás Penson’s book ‘Cosas Añejas.’

Since becoming a mother and dealing with post-pandemic trauma, it has been hard for me to concentrate on reading as I would like. However, I discovered AUDIBLE, and let me tell you, it changed everything for me. At first, I felt like I was cheating. I used to tell myself that I was not really reading, but then I realized I was! Thanks to a writing class I attended, the teacher helped me realize that listening to books is valid. From there, I felt better about myself because I was proud that I had listened to many books in one year.

The first book I listened to on Audible while cleaning the dishes was ‘Kitchen Confidential’ by Anthony Bourdain, narrated by him. His voice is still vivid in my mind. It was exhilarating, raw, and everything you’d expect from Bourdain.

I believe one of the reasons I wanted to become a journalist was because of him. I used to dream of being part of his team or having my own global TV show (I am from the era of the Travel and Living Channel).

In my quest for a quality life, organization, and learning to take care of myself with compassion, I discovered two transformative books. The first, ‘Rest’ by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang, shares stories that help you embrace rest as a vital part of life. The second, ‘Essentialism’ by Greg McKeown, offers practical advice in a very realistic way. It opened my mind to what is essential in life and how to stop being overloaded.

I am always in search of something meaningful. That’s why I was eagerly preparing to purchase and explore the next book I want to share with you. But before I do, let me share a moment of what you might call serendipity or, as I like to think of it, synchronicity. On the first of January 2023, in a quaint library nestled in upstate New York, I stumbled upon the only copy of a book that had been on my list for the year. It seemed as if the universe conspired to present it to me on the very first day of the new year, adding a touch of magical illusion to my quest.”

The book ‘The Artist’s Way’ by Julia Cameron changed everything for me. The name and vision for ‘The Sunshine Site’ emerged, inspired by this book. If you’re seeking to unlock your creativity or connect with a higher force, this book is a must-read. Commit to the journey, and let the magic unfold.

Jane Fonda—I just have to say that after listening to her narrate this book, I fell in love with her. She is amazing. I even had to rewatch her movies and start watching the ones I missed. In her book, she opens up her life and experiences to the reader in a way that makes you understand her journey. It gave me insight into how we can evolve in our lives and that we have control over it.

Right now, I am listening to the following books, choosing which one to listen to depending on my mood:

As I strive to develop healthier habits, after I finish all the above, I have on my list:

To read or to listen to a book—that is the question, isn’t it? I have realized that in life, each of us must do what works best for us. Times change, and the format and evolution—much like taxes and death—are the only certainties.

I hope this blog post inspires you to learn and open your mind to different writers and book genres, allowing art in general to enrich your life, because life is meant to be lived, felt, and enjoyed.

The Sunshine Site may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

9 Responses

  1. After motherhood and full time care giver I find it easier to make time to listen to a book than read it. I can listen while cooking, or cleaning, or driving, things I would’ve not been able to do while reading a book (or viceversa). But there are audio books that I have listen to that I want to buy the actual books to reference back to anytime, highlight, etc.

  2. Me encantaron las recomendaciones y tu punto vista sobre escuchar audiolibros, estoy totalmente de acuerdo🥰🙌.

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Soy Judit Peralta

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Soy Judit Peralta

Soy Estratega de Marca para emprendedores conscientes que tienen o quieren crear el mensaje de sus empresas en coherencia a sí mismos y al bien de la humanidad.

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